NTL’s goals include bringing about quality-driven improvements in public administration and state enterprises. We also work for improvements in personnel policy and for greater opportunities for professional development. NTL’s aim is a pay policy based on the principle of solidarity, which also safeguards the interests of employees with higher education.
See more at www.ntl.no (English)
Contact your local NTL representative (Kontakt oss section)
NTL NIBIO leader Volkmar Timmermann
The national headquarters: post@ntl.no (www.ntl.no)
NTL Ung offers students and young employees a framework for activism and participation, education and sharing of knowledge, and an opportunity to meet other young union activists.
The NTL Ung contact in NIBIO is Sondre Dalen (sondre.dalen@nibio.no)
The membership fee in NTL is 1,1% of your income.
In addition to the membership fee you pay a premium for the collective LOfavør insurance schemes: Home contents insurance, which is mandatory, and travel insurance, which is an option. Check out this year's insurance premium costs.
You may deduct trade union membership fees from your taxes.
Students pay only kr 250 per 6 months, and that includes the home contents insurance. To be eligible for this your income must not exceed the income limits for funding from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.
"We want a society that is safe and fair for all. With this aim in mind, we play an active part in the development and renewal of the welfare state, fighting climate change and in international social issues"
If you have any questions or concerns, we're always ready to help!